Key Information

Total no. of students: 450
No. of teachers: 13

About Mataro

International House Mataro

The school, opened in 1976, is about 250 metres from the centre of town and about 100 metres from the sea front.

Most new teachers prefer to live in cheaper shared accommodation in Barcelona - an exciting city with a large foreign community - just 30 minutes away from Mataro by frequent train.

Breakdown of Students:
56% aged under 18

No. of Teachers
Teaching staff of 13, including Director of Studies for Young Learners, one German teacher and one French teacher

Fifteen Classrooms, most with AC and central heating.

A modern computer room used on a regular basis as part of lessons for young learners and teens classes.

A bar / waiting area

Main Activities:
General English, French and German Courses for Adults
General English Courses for Young Learners
121 classes
Company classes off premises
Study Abroad course
Translation service


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Job Info

Contract dates:
Initially Mid-September to June or July; summer work is often available.

Basic contract starts at 18 hours a week although less if desired. Contracts often grow during the year as 121 or company classes have no fixed starting dates.

All normal Spanish / Catalan holidays plus local "fiestas"

Help with finding accommodation is given. Many opt for living in Barcelona where it is fairly easy to find flats to share.

How to Apply